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SKU: 5587MA

CVL is a valve seat lubricant and combustion enhancer that protects against valve seat recession. CVL also provides flame front control allowing engines to run more advanced ignition timing, without danger of pre-ignition or detonation. Enables older engines to run on modern unleaded fuel, and is equally effective in modern engines fitted with knock sensors and catalytic converters.


    • Enables older competition engines to run on unleaded fuel.
    • Proven chemistry protects against valve seat recession.
    • Provides similar flame front control as lead, thereby enabling engines to run more advanced ignition timing without danger of pre-ignition or detonation.
    • Mixes with leaded, unleaded, LRP and other fuels containing octane enhancing additives. such as oxygenates, ethanol and MTBE.
    • Equally effective in modern engines fitted with knock sensors and catalytic convertors.

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